Home-spun video content inspired by the smart people I coach.
If you would like to discuss any topic in greater detail, or revolutionise my ‘home studio’, please do get in touch.
Career Paths
Setting ourselves on a path for a truly fulfilling career.
Knowing What We Want From Our Careers.
Why it can be harder than we imagine it ought to be, to know what we really want.
Making a Great Exit from ‘Up-or-Out’ Cultures
How to make a great transition from consulting and other high-performance, ‘up-or-out’ cultures. You can also check out the full paper.
Acting ‘Junior’: how to let go of behaviours that no longer serve us
How to manage the ‘hangover’ from our early career days that’s holding us back in (or from) leadership.
The Hard Stuff
That is to say, soft skills.
Negotiation Skills for People-Pleasers.
It’s nice to be nice. Happily, we can be decent and kind without also being a push-over.
Your Appraisal Isn’t You.
Feedback can feel catastrophic, and become counterproductive, if we allow it to bear more weight than it merits.
Why You Should Only Plan for 70% Utilisation.
Planning for 100% utilisation is planning to fail.
Company & Organisation
The business end of coaching.
‘Workplace Coaching’ …Isn’t Really Coaching.
Controversial opinion: if the manager is coaching, they’re managing, not coaching.
Creating a Culture of Psychological Safety
How to create cultures in which teams can safely question, challenge, and raise concerns.